Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Friday, September 5

Frantic Thursday (Friday)

Hey everyone! Sorry I missed my scheduled blog yesterday; I still had people at my house from my party lite party. My party turned out good. I raised $100.00 thus far and the consultant is donating her check to the walk also. I just want to say a big thank you to my friends and family that showed up. Now I am making plans for the bake sale. Hopefully I can raise enough money from hosting a party lite show and two bake sales that I really will not have to go around asking for donations.
As far a training goes I have not trained at all this week. I am looking forward to go out this weekend and walking with my husband. We try to do 10 miles and then stop, take a break and do another 5 or 6. I am hoping that I am prepared for the walk when it gets here in less than 8 weeks! I am so excited! Well that is about all the updates that I have this week. Once again I am sorry for being late on blogging. Until next time please continue praying that our team reaches our goals so we can all walk together!