Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Saturday, August 30

It's getting close!

Well, as Shannon mentioned, I had the very exciting experience of meeting my $2,200 fundraising goal this week! I had a feeling of accomplishement when I went to my webpage and was able to see that I had, indeed, reached my goal. Congratulations to Melissa, too! Now I have just been trying to figure out ways to add money to my teammates' fundraising so we can all be sure to walk in just a couple months.

Which leads me to my disbelief at how fast the time as gone. I got my "8 week update" newsletter/training schedule from The 3 Day via e-mail yesterday, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw 8 WEEKS! It seemed like such a long way away when we started, but time has definitely flown by, and before we know it we will be packing up for our 3 day journey. Which makes me realize how much I think I am probably going to regret not training as I should be. I am determined to do the training walk in Stone Mountain in a few weeks; that walk is 18 miles Saturday and 15miles Sunday. I figure if I can do that walk then I should be pretty set for the real thing. I still need to buy another pair of shoes and a few more clothes to wear on the walk, but all of that will come together in the end, I'm sure.

That's all from here this week. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and until next week, keep reading!


Thursday, August 28

Exciting News!

Hello again! I cannot believe how fast time is flying! We are now less than sixty days away from our walk (how exciting)! I want to start out with a BIG congradulations to not one but two of my team mates who have reached their goal this week and raised $2,200.00! Whoo hoo! Way to go! Another one is only $400.00 away! We are making progress! You never realize how hard it is to raise money until you are the one out there asking people for it. I have come to learn that it is not as easy as it seams (even for a good cause). As far as training has been going I am still going strong. Soccer season started today and that will give me a good hour to walk around the fields while my son and husband are out on the fields. I am looking forward to that. I am getting tired of walking on the treadmill. Well I guess that is all the news that I have. Until next time, please continue to keep our team in your thoughts and prayers. We still have a long way to go.

Tuesday, August 26

Mondays with Melissa

I's not Monday. In fact, it's not even Tuesday technically anymore..the clock now reads 1:15 A.M.! I'm getting ready to go to sleep and I could not stop thinking about the fact that I missed my blog on Monday. It's not guilt that keeps me typing, it's the feeling that someone might have missed that daily glance at our blog. Therefore, when God says to listen to my heart. I listen!

If you haven't already noticed, there are several fun features on our blog: I was able to FINALLY figure out how to post the slideshow from our 11 mile walk AND we have music!! Make sure to scroll down to the end of the page and listen to the song labeled "boobs." It's hilarious!

Last week was pretty un-eventful as far as training goes. I only walked 3 miles one day and that was with my 11 month son, Owen, in tow, pushing his stroller up and down hills. This leads me to wonder, should I actually count this as 6 miles? It felt like it! (Haha) Even if it doesn't, I think if I can walk with an extra load (that cries and hurls toys out onto my path) then I should definitely be ready for anything on the 3-Day, right?

This week has been different, though. Not in training, but by the reality that we just hit the 2 month mark before the big day. I spent Monday night going over our team fundraising account and looking at all that we raised by t-shirt sponsorships and fundraisers. In total, we raised close to $3,500.00! That's amazing! That money has went back to my team mates to help them toward their goal. I have decided not to take any of the fundraiser money (other than my t-shirt sponsorship) and continue on with donations from friends. I now only have $99.49 left. The outpour of support from friends, families and local businesses is amazing! Please make sure to check out their websites on the side column of our blog.

As far as our back-to-back walk, we are still trying to work it out. Schedules for 6 women are crazy!! I'll keep you posted and if it happens, don't worry, there will be more pictures!

Well, it's almost 1:30 and if I continue typing I am at risk of not making any sense at all. Off to bed I go.

Until next week...

Think pink. Live life.

Friday, August 22

Friday With Cynthia

Hi all! Not much to say this time but I thought I'd check in. I've been training fairly steadily by walking around my rustic neighborhood and biking to class. I'm so excited about our next team training event! I am collaborating with the wonderful 40 watt club to set a permanent date and as soon as some of the details are set, I will most surely post the information here! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Until next friday, stay fresh!

Thursday, August 21

Thursdays with Shannon

Hello again everyone! I am going to have to keep this short and sweet. This week I have not been training at all but staying on the web looking for information. My son was dignosed with epilepsy on Tuesday so that has been my main focus this week. I am trying to find out as much information that I can so I will be able to help him. Also there is really nothing to update about since I am not having any luck with the e-mails or the mailers that I mailed out to raise the money. I am doing the party lite show still but the date was changed and I am also going to do a bake sale at the end of the month and then do whatever I have to to come up with the rest. I AM GOING TO WALK NO MATTER WHAT! I am determined. I am waiting to hear when our next team meeting or team walk is we have not had one in some time now and I am excited to hear how everyone is doing and how training is going. I also want to see if it is easier for me to stay motivated while walking if I have others around me. I just hope that it is a day that will work out for everyone. Well I am going to close for now. Until next time please keep our team in your prayers that we will be ready for the walk and keep thinking pink.

Monday, August 18

Mondays with Melissa

(Quick note about last Monday's blog:
Blogger allows you to pre-schedule your blogs and for some reason last week's blog didn't post. If you have a chance, go back to Monday, August 11th and take a look at my blog. I just caught it today and hate it that you missed it. It had a lot of insight to today's blog about inspiration. Thanks!-Melissa)

It was official today. A new school year. A fresh start. I love summer, but I welcome the school with open arms every year now that I have kids. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but I say this because with it comes new energy and a feeling of inspiration for me. It's like having New Year's in the middle of the year. It's great!

In case you think I've went off the deep end, I assure you that it's not. I'm actually getting to a point- I'm taking this feeling and running with it in all aspects of my life. Just last week several VERY exciting things happened with me and the 3-Day. Wanna know what? Well, you're gonna get the "in" right now.....I was interviewed by a local magazine about my experience with the 3-Day! How cool is that? I've known for quite some time, but didn't want to say anything until it was official. The magazine is called Lifestyles magazine. It is a local magazine that publishes articles about home decorating, dining, real estate, health and travel in Georgia . Previous issues have featured spa vacations, restaurant reviews and cardiac health, among other topics. My interview will come out in October. I'll make sure to scan it in and put it on the blog as soon as it hits the press! :)

In other news, take a moment to check our our official 3-Day page, . We surpassed the half-way mark and hit 54%. Whoopee! If you've ever tried to RAISE $13,200.00, then you'll know why we're so excited! As far as my individual goal goes, I only have $99.49 left until I have reached my goal. BELIEVE me, you'll be the first to know when that happens!!

As Jennifer said in her last post, we are trying to plan now for our longer training days. She's right. It really is hard to organize and to put aside that time to do it. We're making progress, however. Hopefully next week we can get a date together for our team to walk either at Stone Mountain for one weekend or Blue Ridge. It will be a great overnight trip and a little insight to what we will physically do in October. Pray that our schedules will work and that we will stay safe as we travel to train.

That about wraps it up for now, but I know that I will have much more to update you with next week! Keep a look out for a new slide show that I hope to post this week of our walk in Athens. It's so goofy, but I had to have fun with the little thought bubbles and corny jokes that go along with them. Just wait until you see it, then you'll understand!

Until next Monday....

Live Life. Think Pink.

Saturday, August 16

A Saturday Update from Jennifer

After looking to see that my teammates have started blogging again, I figured that was my cue to get back on the wagon, too! I hope everyone has been doing well. I just got back from a week at the beach (a MUCH needed vacation), so I have to admit I haven't done much for our walk this past week. I am happy to report, though, that Melissa added the money we earned for our T-shirt sponsorships several months ago to each of our accounts, and now I am only $140 away from my $2200 goal. I can feel it within reach, so now I just need to send out a few more e-mails and hope some of those stragglers come through and/ or that some people want to buy cards or t-shirts from me.

I haven't been walking as I should. I am hoping to get out tomorrow night and at least do a short walk. I have had several invitations to 14 and 15 mile training walks from some of the training walk leaders in the surrounding areas. Most of the walks are either at Stone Mountain or in the Cobb county or Cumming area. I am just having a hard time organizing the walks with the rest of the team, and I am a little nervous about going "by myself." I know I would meet new people, but it's still a little anxiety-provoking for me. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can organize a team walk and I can get back on track.

I know this is short this week, but that's about all I have for now (and I need to go eat dinner :-). Hopefully next week I'll have more to report, and until then, think pink!


Friday, August 15

*Friday Nights with Cynthia*

After a long hiatus, I am back! As I finished with my Junemester classes, I was so excited for summer to finally be "winding down". Ha! I should have known better! Life never lets you forget all the things you have to do and the passing days are constant reminders that time is running out to complete each task. I apologize for not blogging but I am back...refreshed and as energetic as I suppose I can be.

For my 3-day journey, things are looking on the up-and-up. Much thanks to Roll-Off Systems Waste Management and Pat Powell (that's my mom) for their very generous donations that increased my total to close to $700.00! Yay!

In new developments, I have been walking over three miles a day and feeling pretty good about my physical abilities. Additionally, I have now finished two walks that combined have totaled over 25 miles! Super yay! Even more exciting, now that UGA is about to start up I can finally begin booking some local talent for a Breast Cancer Benefit Concert! I'm not sure who I will get to play yet, but I have several wonderful artists that have agreed to aid me in this endeavor! Keep your fingers crossed about this event...the donations from it are imperative to my success!

That's all I have today. I hope everyone has a great restful weekend!

Thursday, August 14

Thinking Pink

Hello everyone! I cannot believe how fast time is flying by. My oldest son started back to school last week; my big second grader, and the walk is quickly approaching. Weekend training is starting to take 5 hours now! I have now decided to push my Saturday walk into the middle of the week so I am training while my husband and son are not at home. I am taking my youngest with me when I train outside and while I am on the treadmill she is playing around me bringing me water. I am amazed at how supportive a 3 year old can be. She does not know exactly what I am doing but she knows that mommy needs water. She is so sweet. I am busy packing up for a family camping trip to Helen where I will have tons of hiking trails to go on! I am excited. I read that they have a 19.2 mile trail and I am anxious to try it. I have not walked that far in one day before so I am hoping that everything goes okay. Well that is about all the updates from me that I have. I hope everyone is having a great week. Until next time keep thinking pink!

Monday, August 11

Monday with Mel

I have to apologize for my tardiness and lack of blogging lately. If you're a daily reader then you've become a weekly reader lately because, well, there hasn't been any blogs to read!

My household family recently implemented a new "Family" program so that we will start doing more things together, rather than sitting in front of the T.V. or computer all day, lost in cyber/tv space. As a result, my email time has been cut quite extensively, and, therefore all blogging is included. I'm not complaining, though. Why? One way training and fundraising for the 3-day has effected my life is that I've stopped and realized that there are many things from day to day I take for granted. One is the time I spend with my children and the other is the time I spend with my husband (nagging him does not count!). After I stopped and truly considered all of these things, well, I realized this past week that I don't want to wait until they are gone or I have missed it and then regret it.

It's easy to say this, but it's hard to live it. My thoughts were only confirmed when I opened my email this morning to find a new message from another person to let me know they were just diagnosed. As I sat there and thought about what was going through her mind. If I had to face it, what would I do? I think this new view is a life lesson. I'm excited about how it's changed me and I hope it start by doing great things in my family and then spread to my friends. Pray for me as I continue this and focus as I get closer to the walk in October.

To close, I'd like to ask you to take a moment and reflect on your own life. Take a pen and write down the positives and the negatives. From the positives, is there anything you can do to savor those moments more? From the negatives, think outside the box and tell yourself that you can make a change; one for the better. You only live one life and it's your decisions that make it.

Until next Monday...

Live life. Think pink.

Wednesday, August 6


Hello everyone! Sorry I have been mia for the last few weeks but my life got pretty busy for a short period (not including the fact that windstream accidently cut the dsl line). I decieded that I would slip in today and blog since tomorrow is going to be busy also. My son Cameron is starting second grade tomorrow! Okay now back to how things have been going; I am up to 11 miles now but it is mostly on a treadmill. Cameron's asthma cannot handle being outside playing while I walk the whole time so I am doing 4 miles outside on the road and the rest is inside. I have really started felling it. My calf muscles hurt and at night all I want is a hot shower to loosen up my legs! I am sticking it out though. I cannot believe that I still have 9 more miles to add to that! I am having a partylite party this month to help me with my fundraising. All of my consultants and my earnings will go directly to me for the walk; also if anyone wants to book a party off of me I will be able to add another $50 to that! I am excited I already have two people who are willing not only to do that but who are also willing to donate there earnings to me. I am so excited. Well that is about all of the updates that I have for now. Until next time keep thinking pink!