Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Thursday, September 11

It's Shannon Time Again!!

Hello again everyone! This week has been great. Last weekend my husband and I went to Watson Mill and walked there trails 3 times each and had a good time. It was beautiful; the weather was terrific. I am looking forward to yet another great walk with him this weekend. I am so glad that he is supporting me 100% in this journey. It has really helped me to keep motivated. I have been walking 5-6 miles daily to train through the week but most of my training is done on the weekends. I am also anxious to see how much money I raised with my party lite party. I am closing my show tomorrow night and I should be able to have that posted by the end of next week :) Well that is about all the updates that I have for this week; until next week keep our team in your thoughts and prayers. We all want to make it to the walk as a team and we are praying that we can each raise our amount.