Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Thursday, June 19

Thursday Substitution

Hello again, Everyone! So I'm blogging for Shannon tonight because her DSL modem is malfunctioning and she is not able to get online. I told her I would blog before I realized that I don't have much to add after Stephanie's informative blog yesterday! Like her, I am excited about how the meeting went, and we have a lot to do to get ready for the Tailgating for Tatas event. We will definitely have another informative meeting on July 7th because we left a lot up in the air last night while we all complete our designated tasks. I will go grocery shopping this weekend and next week to determine the cost of the potato bar and corn-on-the-cob, so once I get that done I will feel productive :-) I'm looking forward to our walk on Saturday and really hope it's nice outside like it was yesterday. The shade from the trees should help keep the heat away, and let's just hope it doesn't rain!

I don't have much else to add, but I'll update you all on our walk on Saturday evening. Until then, stay cool and think pink!
