Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Monday, June 9

One Day, One Day, One Day!!!

As I wrote the title of this blog (located at ), I thought about the classic car salesman on television when I was little yelling at the top of his voice, "Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!" With great excitement, he would announce the "sale" that they dealership were having in his loudest voice.
I have to admit, it made me chuckle at first, but then I stopped and thought about it for a couple of seconds. What if we took that same enthusiasm and applied it to breast cancer? The salesman was announcing a car; We are announcing the quest to end breast cancer! Shouldn't we put that same enthusiasm if not more when we are trying to save lives? I think so!

Each "ONE DAY" in my book, stands for something different:

1.) ONE DAY we our we won't have to live with the fear of hearing those words, "You have cancer."
2.) ONE DAY we no one will suffer from surgery, chemo, radiation or death from this deadly disease.
3.) ONE DAY we will find a cure!

Today I'm going to do something a little different from our regular blogs. I usually don't ask much, other than donations. But maybe you feel like you can't afford to give right now...maybe you wish you could walk in the 3-Day, but something has held you back, maybe you are a daily reader and wish you could help just a little more.

Now you can.

I am going to challenge you. Where ever you are reading this. Take a moment and read aloud the title of this blog. Use your best "car salesman" tone. You don't have to shout, unless you want to, of course. Just read it aloud. You are probably going to get strange looks, but that is the point! Simply smile and tell them that you have said that to raise awareness to breast cancer and, of course, show them our site.

If there is no one around you, copy and paste this blog and send it out to loved ones with a brief explanation of what we are doing and why this blog is so important. Be the enthusiastic breast cancer spokesperson! After all, you could save someone's life by raising awareness; and, a life is priceless. :)

Be sure to come back and leave a comment about your experience or responses. There are sure to be some funny reactions and we would love to hear them! To do so, click on "Post a comment". Then, type your comment and choose Name/URL. Enter your name and then click "Publish your comment" You don't have to sign up for anything- promise!

Until next Monday, Monday, Monday...keep thinking pink!


Nina said...

Great post! You definitely have a point. Enthusiasm is contagious and I have to remember that whenever I am training, fundraising, and talking about the 3 Day. Each of us can make an impact but together we can make a huge impact in finding a cure. One of the reasons I signed up to do the walk was because of the passion of past walkers I talked to. I probably need to take it to the next level myself. I think when people realize you are passionate about something they will be more likely to donate to your cause or sign up to walk too.