Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Wednesday, May 28

My Efforts Are Paying Off

What a weekend! I'm recovering from a NASTY viral infection that I had this past weekend. What a way to spend Memorial Day. I needed to loose some weight, but that's not what I had in mind. My family and I are getting ready to leave for the beach tomorrow and I hope that I didn't share my virus with my daughter and we can have a peaceful and healthy vacation and no trips to the ER!

I finally got in touch with the owner of Rattles and Rhymes about putting a can there. She was so excited to hear what we're doing, but declined to have a can there as she is also participating in the 3-Day and already is using her store to help her raise her money. She is also a breast cancer survivor and would have normally allowed our donation cans if it had not been for her also walking. It's kind of nice to see fellow neighbors participating in the 3-Day, congrats to Ms. Maxine Guerrera on her servival of breast, anyone else have any ideas? I know Angela has committed to a few cans. Anyone else? Also, I picked up more money from the cans this week! I'll have a grand total for you next week. Every little bit helps.

Also, a few weeks ago I sent out around 20 donation forms with letters attached. So far I've received two very generous donations from that. I hope there is more to come!

Let Summer vacation begin!

PS. GO US Coast Guard! Thanks for the little recognistion on Monday. Rich may not be in Iraq, but he's still in the military wheather here or there a lot of the time his job is in a compromising position.