Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Friday, May 23

*Friday Night Hope with Cynthia*

Helloooooo interweb! It's Friday night and I just got off a grueling 10 hour shift at Rafferty's...oh how I wish I was Perez Hilton and blogging paid my bills!

There is not much new in the realm of 3-day. I have talked with the delightful people at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, GA and they have so kindly agreed to let me use their space for a benefit concert. I'm pretty excited about that. Next up is to set a date that will agree with all the wonderful talent filling the stage. I'm pretty pumped about this because like I've said, us college kids love a good benefit concert!

While thinking of my love for music and benefit concerts, my mind wondered how I could reach more people with this "music for melons" concept. Then I thought....ASHFORD MANOR CONCERTS ON THE LAWN!!!!! Duh! Thus, I am going to try and contact them and see if they would be willing to have one night of their proceeds go to our fundraising know, 'cuz boobies are the breast, er, I mean best!

Well guys, I'm off to go pack. My wonderful boyfriend and I are taking off to go to the beach for a little while. He's getting ready for law school and I've been working two jobs so we both think we deserve a little break! Until Friday (when I will come back from the beach the same color as a watermelon...well the inside of one), stay fresh!