Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Friday, May 30

*Friday Night Hope with Cynthia*

Hello all, I am back from my wonderfully relaxing trip to the beach! We (my man and I) went to St. Augustine Beach, Florida. It was quite, serene, and not the least bit crowded. I loved it! We rented a beautiful beach house from St. Francis Inn and each morning we woke up to a free gourmet breakfast. It was magnificent and I highly recommend it to all!

On our way back to the mainland, Tony and I stopped at the Nike Factory Outlet that was nearby and, after being fitted, I bought these wonderful Nike cross training shoes. They are GREAT! They feel good, fit my arch well and are supposed to be some of the easiest shoes to break in! Well they feel good so far...

Today was back to the grind stone; I just finished working another lovely double at Rafferty's. Now it is time to head to my best friend's pool house where we are throwing her sister's bridal shower...TOMORROW! Ahhhhhh!

Unti next time, stay fresh!

Thursday, May 29

Thursdays with Mel

I've made my May goal!!! In the past two weeks, I've received two $50 donations (Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Van Stedum and Bernadette Pelina!!) and one for $30 and some change online (Thanks you to Mandie Pierce and her wonderful talent in selling her intricate handmade scrapbook layouts!). In addition to that, I received two offline donations totaling $165 thanks to Marsha Rauscher and The Atcheson Family. WOW. I truly feel like I'm making progress! My goal was to reach over the half way mark this month, but with the help of my donors- I've surpassed my goal and will sit at the 75% mark. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

With that being under my belt, I have recently discovered the real reason why the 3-Day is so hard- THE TRAINING! Two weeks ago we started receiving our 24 week personal trainer emails from the 3-Day. The point in this email is to give you a schedule on your walking to improve your endurance for distance.

As I read the first email, it said:
Monday Rest
Tuesday 3 miles Easy walking
Wednesday Rest
Thursday 3 miles Moderate walking
Friday 30 minutes Easy cross-training
Saturday 3 miles Easy walking
Sunday 3 miles Easy walking

I though, wow, this is going to be pretty easy...I've already got about 12 miles under my belt, so I should be pretty good, right? Well, that was until I received this week's trainer email! It pretty much looked the same except they added an extra mile to SATURDAY! Saturday? Why Saturday?? Then I remembered a conversation with several other past 3-Day walkers they told me that their would be weekends at the end of this training where I would be gone ALL DAY!

So with my hesitant body and the courage of Forrest Gump ", I take a deep breath and say, "BRING IT ON!!!"

So, if you're a fellow neighbor of mine and you see me out in the rain walking or in 90 degree weather and I forget to wave out of pure exhaustion- I'm training. I promise it's not to be rude and I'm not that crazy. Instead, just remember that I'm out there doing this for your mothers, friends, aunts, daughters. I am fighting this battle in a physical way that's new to me. I mean, I NEVER seriously thought, I would have to walk this much in my life, but I am trying not to question and replacing those thoughts with the bigger picture.

Until next week- keep up the reading and I'll keep up the walking!

Wednesday, May 28

My Efforts Are Paying Off

What a weekend! I'm recovering from a NASTY viral infection that I had this past weekend. What a way to spend Memorial Day. I needed to loose some weight, but that's not what I had in mind. My family and I are getting ready to leave for the beach tomorrow and I hope that I didn't share my virus with my daughter and we can have a peaceful and healthy vacation and no trips to the ER!

I finally got in touch with the owner of Rattles and Rhymes about putting a can there. She was so excited to hear what we're doing, but declined to have a can there as she is also participating in the 3-Day and already is using her store to help her raise her money. She is also a breast cancer survivor and would have normally allowed our donation cans if it had not been for her also walking. It's kind of nice to see fellow neighbors participating in the 3-Day, congrats to Ms. Maxine Guerrera on her servival of breast, anyone else have any ideas? I know Angela has committed to a few cans. Anyone else? Also, I picked up more money from the cans this week! I'll have a grand total for you next week. Every little bit helps.

Also, a few weeks ago I sent out around 20 donation forms with letters attached. So far I've received two very generous donations from that. I hope there is more to come!

Let Summer vacation begin!

PS. GO US Coast Guard! Thanks for the little recognistion on Monday. Rich may not be in Iraq, but he's still in the military wheather here or there a lot of the time his job is in a compromising position.

Monday, May 26

Memorial Day and those who died for our county

All photos courtesy of David Manning/Athens Bannner-Herald

If you knew that having cancer could save someone else's life, would you do it? I'm sure you're thinking I've lost my mind, but I'm actually leading up to something...

Each year men and women choose to risk their lives and fight to make our country safe. Today, apart from our normal blog, I'd like to take a moment and reflect on those who have chosen to loose their lives for our very own freedom.

For many years I have looked forward to Memorial Day as that "extra day" off work or the day at the lake, camping or day to hang out with family and friends. I knew what "Memorial" day meant- a day to look back and remeber those who had fallen for our freedom, but there was never that connection for me.

My grandfather was in the army and was in WWII. Lucky for me he went through Normandy several days after the US lost thousands when they stormed the beaches otherwise I would have probably never existed. Two of my cousins served in Operation Desert in the army and the other was navy. My father-in-law was an officer in the Navy and also started his aviation career flying A-6's. I can only dream of what these men went through, but I'm honored that they risked everything- their future, their time with family, and their very lives to maintain and give us what we have today- America.

What has changed my outlook? Unfortunately for many-including myself, you don't TRULY understand the significance until you or you witness a family loose their loved one in the military. It makes you stop and gather all of the reasons of why they do it and how much they truly care for their family and nation. Once I took that all in (which was A LOT for my itty-bitty brain) I finally understood.

This year, on January 28th was when my world changed. I recieved a message on facebook from a dear friend of mine, Alice Marshall. I first met Alice in 2002 when I worked for her father, Drew Marshall, at a local law firm in Athens. They are some of the most wonderful people that I know. Alice was writing me to tell me that Evan, her little brother, had been killed while on his second tour in Iraq. As I sat through the military funeral it hit me-like a brick wall. I was so mad at myself for taking this all for granted!

So as you sit in your home today or ride down the highway or play with your kids...take a moment to think of those who made the decision to risk their life and die so that you may have a safe country and you are able to enjoy the task that you are doing.

Until Thursday...

Saturday, May 24

Saturday Thoughts

Good Saturday evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I hope everyone has had a good couple of weeks. I apologize for not blogging last weekend. Things here have been pretty uneventful as far as 3 Day stuff goes. Like Stephanie said, we walked on Monday afternoon, and it was nice. We haven't gotten honked at by any random guys driving by lately-that must be because we don't have Angela and Cynthia walking with us (they're the cuter, unmarried ones)! We are taking this next week off from walking because of Memorial Day and then Stephanie is going to the beach. We hope to get the whole team together to walk again in the next couple of weeks. If only none of us had lives and could walk whenever we all wanted to....

Other than walking with Stephanie I haven't done much training for the walk. We have started getting our virtual training guides via e-mail, but I haven't been very good about keeping up with it. I think once the recommended distance gets longer I will start to stick to it better. I just have a hard time motivating myself to walk 3 miles when I alreay know I can do it and have done it in the last few weeks. The virtual trainer also recommends cross-training one to two days a week, and we got the Wii Fit game this week. For those of you not familiar with it, it's an interactive exercise program made by the Nintendo system, Wii. It's pretty fun, so I think I will be trying that for the next few weeks.

The card sales are kind of at a stand-still but that's okay because I haven't been doing a lot to promote them lately. I did have a friend order 3 boxes last week, so that's something at least. Soo.... for not much going on I sure did find stuff to talk about! Everyone have a great week, and I'll see you back here next week. Till then, don't forget to think pink!


Friday, May 23

*Friday Night Hope with Cynthia*

Helloooooo interweb! It's Friday night and I just got off a grueling 10 hour shift at Rafferty's...oh how I wish I was Perez Hilton and blogging paid my bills!

There is not much new in the realm of 3-day. I have talked with the delightful people at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, GA and they have so kindly agreed to let me use their space for a benefit concert. I'm pretty excited about that. Next up is to set a date that will agree with all the wonderful talent filling the stage. I'm pretty pumped about this because like I've said, us college kids love a good benefit concert!

While thinking of my love for music and benefit concerts, my mind wondered how I could reach more people with this "music for melons" concept. Then I thought....ASHFORD MANOR CONCERTS ON THE LAWN!!!!! Duh! Thus, I am going to try and contact them and see if they would be willing to have one night of their proceeds go to our fundraising know, 'cuz boobies are the breast, er, I mean best!

Well guys, I'm off to go pack. My wonderful boyfriend and I are taking off to go to the beach for a little while. He's getting ready for law school and I've been working two jobs so we both think we deserve a little break! Until Friday (when I will come back from the beach the same color as a watermelon...well the inside of one), stay fresh!

Thursday, May 22

oops i did it again...

no im not brittney spears nor am I an elephant. I guess it would make more sense to say...yea, i forgot to blog on tues...again. Im sorry :( So i decided to do a random post today...yea!!!

Well lets see whats new?

Prob. not that anyone cares but i felt the major need to have a central location that i could really get down and dirty and keep my A.D.D. self in one place for more than 5 mins. and with out zoning out to the tv. So this past week i worked up on "setting up shop" (or office to be exact) so i can have a place to "WORK" on my three day adventure. I have to say i def. feel more focused now having my very own office room. I decided im going to treat it like a job. Come in to the "office" and work for a certain amount of time a week. Im very excited!

I went out tonight and bought some more stuff so i can experiment with the lollipops i want to sell. All though im beginning to anyone gonna want to buy them? I guess i'll just make sure to put them at places where lil kids can bug there parents for them...and they cant say no because it's for a good cause *evil laugh goes here*

Besides that lets see, I'm working on donations for the raffle at the "Tips for Tatas" event. Got a cute little letter that im handing out to explain myself. So if anyone knows of a business that might have something cool they would be willing to donate please let me know! Also let them know that there company will be mentioned on all advertisements for the event, on the banner at the event, also we will have a table set up where they can display advertisement of their own like business cards, brochures, etc., and the company donation will be announced multiple times at the event.

well, im gonna go out an buy an elephant so he can help me remember to blog on tues. So untill then have a great week everyone!!! :)

Wednesday, May 21

Wednesday With Stephanie!

Hope Everyone out there is having a great week. Jennifer and I had a great walk this past Monday. We walked from Athens Regional to the Fire Department at 5 points. Our walk was not as long as the last and we skipped the "mountain" climbing this time due to time! We haven't organized our next walk yet, but are hoping to get us all together once again as a team. I know it's hard with everyone's schedules! Since I haven't heard from anyone about putting out anymore cans or a reply on the jar animals as a possible table for our "Tailgating for Tatas" I'm at a stand still. Also, do we have a total from the Boobie-Q? If this has been toldI missed it-sorry. The last I heard we were still waiting on a final count. This week I decided To post a little fact sheet about Breast Cancer. It' always good to be reminded from time to time. Have a great weekend!

An estimated 182,800 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2000.
Approximately 42,200 deaths will occur in women from breast cancer in 2000.

One in eight women or 12.6% of all women will get breast cancer in her lifetime.

Breast cancer risk increases with age and every woman is at risk.

Every 13 minutes a woman dies of breast cancer.

Seventy-seven percent of women with breast cancer are over 50.

Approximately 1400 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in men in 2000 and 400 of those men will die.

More than 1.7 million women who have had breast cancer are still alive in the United States.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women between the ages of 15 and 54, and the second cause of cancer death in women 55 to 74.

Seventy-one percent of black women diagnosed with breast cancer experience a five-year survival rate, while eighty-six percent of white women experience five-year survival.

The first sign of breast cancer usually shows up on a woman's mammogram before it can be felt or any other symptoms are present.

Risks for breast cancer include a family history, atypical hyperplasia, delaying pregnancy until after age 30 or never becoming pregnant, early menstruation (before age 12), late menopause (after age 55), current use or use in the last ten years of oral contraceptives, and daily consumption of alcohol.

Early detection of breast cancer, through monthly breast self-exam and particularly yearly mammography after age 40, offers the best chance for survival.

Ninety-six percent of women who find and treat breast cancer early will be cancer-free after five years.

Over eighty percent of breast lumps are not cancerous, but benign such as fibrocystic breast disease.

Oral contraceptives may cause a slight increase in breast cancer risk; however 10 years after discontinuing use of oral contraceptives the risk is the same as for women who never used the pill.

Estrogen replacement therapy for over 5 years slightly increases breast cancer risk; however the increased risk appears to disappear 5-10 years after discontinuing the use of estrogen replacement therapy.

You are never too young to develop breast cancer! Breast Self-Exam should begin by the age of twenty.

Monday, May 19

whatever happened to lazy summer days?

Hey guys, it's Cynthia...
I want to apologize for not blogging the past two weeks. As May has unraveled, it has proved to be much busier and more stressful than I could ever imagine my "summer vacation" being. I started a new job yet am still working my old job. The combination of the two work schedules with UGA graduation, Mother's day and an upcoming bridal shower I'm co-hosting has proved that I am only human. Some things are bound to slip through the cracks of my mind!!

When it comes to this crazy little thing called 3-day, I must say it has been placed on the back burner for a minute. All of my letters have been sent out to no avail after almost three weeks. I don't have any people to tutor since school's out and my benefit concert has been re-scheduled for August since the population of Athens nears zero in the summer. I guess I've kind of hit a brick wall. It's nothing a week at the beach won't fix...I'm a resilient girl...especially after a week at the beach.

Until Friday (you know, if I remember)stay fresh!

Wednesday, May 14

Happy Hump Day

Just a few more days to the weekend! YAY! It's been a busy week around our house, but really what week isn't?

I have 3 more cans made and ready to go out...any takers? I need more ideas on where to put these out. Team members you can also just take these from me and put them out if you have places in mind.

I've been thinking ahead to our "Tailgating for Tatas" and thinking about having a table for the kids to make little jar animals out of baby food jars. What do you guys think? The jars would be free and easy to come buy since Melissa and I both have to buy baby food. Other materials included are glue, cotton pom poms, wiggle eyes and some ribbon...pretty inexpensive. Let me know if you think this is a good idea. I would be willing to work this table if we decide to do this.

Not much else to report. Have a great week!


Tuesday, May 13

time for tuesday

It's time for another tues. blog but honestly not too much to write about. I was sad that i had to miss the walk last week due to a mishap in my scheduling (yea, i double booked) I'm glad to hear it went great. I got my pictures developed from the Boobie Q just gotta get them on the computer, its a little harder cause my laptop doesn't have a disk drive.

I so far have 6 servers for the tips for tatas event that will be working for free that night. I think i just need about 2 more and we should have plenty. Im also pretty sure the date is going to be June 26th now. With in the next couple of weeks i'll be talking to businesses about donations for the raffle.

Also i just wanted to say a special thank you to Boone and Amber for their generous donation. It is the largest donation I have recieved so far! I met them through my work at the restuarant where they are regulars and it means so much that someone who barely knows me can give so much. I'm hoping Amber will be able to join us next year on the walk :) as she said she wants too!


Monday, May 12

Pictures and more pictures!!

Due to technical difficulties...slideshow will be posted on Thursday.


Saturday, May 10

Happy Saturday, as always!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. It is definitely getting warmer and I can tell summer is just around the corner... that should make our training walks fun!

The boobie-que last weekend was a lot of fun and very successful. I am looking forward to our next fundraiser in July if we can only find a location to have it. I really hope Tailgate Station comes through for us! Melissa will let us know for sure this week how much money we made from the barbeque plates at the boobie-que and I'm anxious to find out the amount.

As Stephanie mentioned, we walked 6.5 miles on Tuesday, and it was so much fun! I have found that I really enjoy walking when I have a friend to talk to but I get bored pretty easily if I have to walk by myself. I wish we could walk together several times a week-it would get us in shape quickly and make sure we're ready for our walk. Unfortunately I'm not home much during the week so those times are limited. I'm not looking forward to August when Stephanie has to move to Michigan. Fortunately, though, I have a few other fun teammates that I can walk with :-) I hope that everyone's schedule will line up in the next week or so so that we can go on a true team walk again. We got our first virtual trainer e-mail this week, and that makes this walk seem even more real! I feel good, though, because the first week suggests we walk 3 miles a few days, and we've already worked our way up to 5-6miles at a time. I think we'll be ready by the time October gets here!

As you can probably tell not much happened this week so I am rambling. Wish us luck as we continue to train and fundraise this week, and we'll keep you updated!


Wednesday, May 7

We're Making It Happen

Happy hump day and Happy birthday to my wonderful husband, Rich! Hope everyone is having a great week. Looks like the Boobie-Q was a huge success and I'm so sorry I missed it! I've been a little busy this week trying to get some things rolling for donations.

Today I collected money from the cans..well all except one which I'll get tomorrow, and our total for this count is $28.00 which now gives us a grand total of $53.00!! That's awesome guys! That's in just a few weeks and hopefully the more cans we get out the more this total will continue to jump. Girls, I'm running out of places to put these cans, so I'll need you to start thinking and taking some to places that you might have in mind.

On my end, I sent out 22 letters this week to friends and family that I didn't have email addresses for and now the word is out (just in case I missed telling people before) Today I received my first donation in regards to the letters, thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law! I look forward to more donations to start coming in soon. Also, I have my personal page printed out with donation sheets attached on a bulletin board at work and I've had promises for donations there too. I hope these promises come through, so that I can raise as much as possible for the cause.

Also, I've gotten the word out to the owner of Tailgate Station here in Athens about using it for our team tailgating fundraiser. I work with someone who tailgates there during football season who is already in contact with the owner. I haven't heard back yet, but she seems to think there is a good chance that we'll get to us it. I hope so, but we'll see. Be thinking of a back up just in're welcome Angela! :0)

In other news, Jennifer and I went walking...or maybe I should say hiking last night. Angela and Cynthia had things come up, so Jennifer and I met on Prince Ave. and walked down Milledge Ave. to the old Bi-Lo. We had planned to walk through a gate into an apartment complex, but after traveling across the parking lot to find the gate locked I decided we should climb the "mountain" behind Bi-Lo instead of walking back across the parking lot. It was really funny since the hill is almost completely vertical, but we made it and let's just say my Nike's aren't made for hiking! All in all we walked about 6.5 miles!!! I was completely worn out, but it was well worth the time spent. I have so much fun walking with Jennifer!

Well girls that about wraps it up for me this week. I hope everyone has a great Mother's Day!!!


Tuesday, May 6

which one first? the good news or the bad?

I guess its always best to go with the bad first.... So I tried to add another layer to the paper mache watermelons but since the balloons had already popped it didn't have any structure anymore and the new layer just made it go ....well....back to wet newspaper :( I was able to paint one and it hold up event though the paint made it wet, so I figure I'll just paint them and the ones that make it we can use as decoration for our table when we sell t-shirts and stuff :)

Also, More good news, i was able to take the extra cookies that Jennifer (my team mate) Violet Atcheson and Linda Hubbell (Melissa's neighbors)so graciously made for the "Boobie-cue" and sell them at work yesterday for $1 a bag. I sold 40! So thats $40 towards our goal. Hey, every little bit counts!!!

Besides that it's time to start experimenting with suckers....candy suckers that is! I've got a couple of ideas in my head for some unique suckers just gotta try'em out. YUM YUM!

Have a good week everyone and I'll get my pics up of the Boobie Q up soon!!!

Monday, May 5

Thank you for an AMAZING DAY!!!

I woke up on Sunday at 7:30am and the sun was shining. Through my shades I could see dark blue skies and white puffy clouds. I knew then that God had something special planned because I could not of asked for a better day!!

Thank you for everyone who came out. It was amazing! Thanks to your attendance and donations, we made close to $1,000!! A HUGE "Thank You" to: Chad from 104.7 The Fish for being our official "Boobie-cue" announcer, Wade Lowman- for his beautiful voice, my very own dad, Jerry Powell, for becoming the world's best moonwalk attendant and donating the hotdogs, buns and chips for the kids meals, Boun for jumping in and face painting (he has a hidden talent!), Bill & Rita Trivelpiece (and their truck), Linda Hubbell and Violet Atcheson- you guys ROCK at baking cookies!!

Please make sure to thank the following businesses for their participation in Sunday's event: Kroger at Ridge Road, RothsChild flipflops and bows, Berry & Bean, The Perfect Poppy, Gabe's Downtown, "A Perfect Touch" Massage, Heather Kenny with Creative Memories, Creative Tan (with their Teeth whitening booth)and most of all RODNEY's BBQ (DELICIOUS!)!!!

To my teammates- you are wonderful. Without your passion and hard work, none of this would of been possible. I couldn't of hand picked a better team; I'm glad you picked me!

I am currently downloading some of the pictures from Sunday. I actually (believe it or not) do not have a lot on my camera because my sister (and teammate) Angela used her camera. As soon as I receive them from her, I'll let you know and post them.

Be sure to mark your calendars for several upcoming events!!

Villa Rica/Hiram/Dallas readers:

"Movie under the Stars!!!"
The Georgian Amenity Park
More Details to come...

Athens/Comer/Watkinsville Readers:

Saturday, July 19, 2008
"Tailgaiting for Tata's!"
Location TBD (If you can offer us a location, email me at

See you again for Thursday's blog!

Saturday, May 3

Tomorrow's Boobie-que Day!!

Happy Saturday! This is a very exciting weekend for our team as we get ready for the Boobie-que tomorrow afternoon. Last night 4 of us (everyone except Angela) went to the Oconee County Relay for Life, and that was a lot of fun. Talk about bringing back memories from high school! All of us graduated from there, and most of us hadn't been back to that football stadium in many years. We all saw people we recognized, and it made me realize how fast the years have gone. We helped man the inflatable "jumpy things" that the kids play on, and in the 30 minutes we stood there we probably made $200 for Relay for Life. It was pretty rewarding. We also got our first look at our t-shirts, and they turned out GREAT! I'm so excited about wearing mine and selling the rest. If anyone would like to buy one, they are $15, and all the proceeds go to our team for the walk. Just let one of us know if you want one and which size you would like. The nice thing about these shirts is that they are women's t-shirt so they are slim(mer) through the waist with a smaller neckline.

This morning Melissa, Stephanie and I met at Sam's Club and bought some last minute supplies for tomorrow. I'm blogging early today because one of my friends from school is being kind enough to come over and help me make cookies. We are selling barbecue plates tomorrrow, and we are making cookies to include in the plates, so that's what the cookies will be for. I just hope I have enough self-control to make all the cookies without eating half the cookie dough in the process!

Wish us luck tomorrow, and I'm sure everyone will be blogging with their own perspective of this weekend as the week goes on. Have a great week, everyone, and until next week, think pink and keep reading!


Friday, May 2

*Friday Night Hope with Cynthia*

I DID IT! I have officially finished my junior year of college! Thank Goodness! Additionally, I raised a total of $255.00 with the Tutoring for Tatas program. YAY! I never expected to raise so much money and I have my wonderful and compassionate professor, Mr. Norris Armstrong and all my BIO 1103 classmates to thank. THANK YOU GUYS! YOU STARTED THE FUNDRAISING EFFORTS OFF RIGHT!

Tonight a few members of our team will be attending Oconee County's Relay for Life. I am super pumped as this is the 5th year in a row that I have been able to attend the event. I think that it is a wonderful way to raise cancer awareness while raising money for research that will one day find a cure for cancer.

Also this weekend, as Mels has already said, is our Benefit "Boobie-Que". I am so excited! We will be getting ready all day Saturday for the event that begins Sunday at 2pm in Villa Rica, Ga. If you have the time, stop on by! It will be a great time for a good cause!

Peace, love, melons!

Thursday, May 1

Oh...we're half way there. Ohh....Livin on a Prayer!

It's the song that I've kept singing to myself these past few weeks as I've watched the thermometer on my 3-day site sit at 59%. This chorus of my new "theme" song is my motivation:

"We've got to hold on to what we've got
cause it doesn't make a difference
If we make it or not
We've got each other and thats a lot
For love - well give it a shot

Whooah, were half way there
Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and well make it - I swear
Livin' on a prayer

We've got to hold on ready or not
You live for the fight when its all that you've got"

I can't help but giggle as I try to visualize our team decked out in 80's wild Bon Jovi crazy hair and blasting this song for all to hear. Apart from silly daydreams, it also reminds me that we are fighters; fighters for a deadly disease -breast cancer. After humming the chorus (or loudly singing it in the comfort of my own car) it helps me reflect on the fact that there is so much going on behind the scenes. The "Boobie-cue" this weekend, the Parent's night out for Fellowship Church in June and the movie under the stars in July. It's not just that, but the wonderful outpour of support I have received from the people in my neighborhood, The Georgian and my community. I've been asking donations for the raffle this week right and left and the businesses have jumped at the opportunity without any hesitation. I've had donations, but in other ways.

So if you're sitting at home, and it's been a rough week. Play BonJovi's video above, have a moment and reflect on the past week. Remember that sometimes the things that you hope to happen, do, but in different ways.

If you live in the Athens' area, Oconee is having their Relay for Life on Friday. Our team has volunteered to help the organizer's team out by manning their moonwalk booth during the team lap at if you want to see our team in action, we'd LOVE to see you!

Also, the "Boobie-cue" is this Sunday. Hope to see you there!!

To thinking pink (and great Bon Jovi songs that inspire)...