Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Tuesday, May 6

which one first? the good news or the bad?

I guess its always best to go with the bad first.... So I tried to add another layer to the paper mache watermelons but since the balloons had already popped it didn't have any structure anymore and the new layer just made it go ....well....back to wet newspaper :( I was able to paint one and it hold up event though the paint made it wet, so I figure I'll just paint them and the ones that make it we can use as decoration for our table when we sell t-shirts and stuff :)

Also, More good news, i was able to take the extra cookies that Jennifer (my team mate) Violet Atcheson and Linda Hubbell (Melissa's neighbors)so graciously made for the "Boobie-cue" and sell them at work yesterday for $1 a bag. I sold 40! So thats $40 towards our goal. Hey, every little bit counts!!!

Besides that it's time to start experimenting with suckers....candy suckers that is! I've got a couple of ideas in my head for some unique suckers just gotta try'em out. YUM YUM!

Have a good week everyone and I'll get my pics up of the Boobie Q up soon!!!