Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Monday, June 23

Mondays with Melissa!

Hi Everyone!

I'm back. Well back online at least and typing to you from one of the cutest little towns in Northern Wisconsin! I apologize that I missed out on my weekly blog last Monday, but I can assure you that I would of rather of blogged than spend a whopping TEN hours in the car with three kids!! :D

Apart from being on vacation, I haven't stopped thinking about my commitment that I've made to my team or the Susan G. Komen Foundation. It has became an everyday thought, and, I have to say I like this new change in my life. It's nice. How many people can say that they have experienced what each of us that are raising money has experienced? Not many. Not enough!

I want to take a quick moment and thank my wonderful co-captain, Jennifer, for picking up and running our June meeting while I am on vacation. It truly means a lot to know that I have someone who has her own very busy life and takes the opportunity to help me out with open arms and no complaints...what a woman! :)

Also, if you have the chance PLEASE plan to head over to Beef O' Bradys on the Eastside of Athens this Thursday, June 26th to support one of our team members (and my sister) Angela in her "Tips for Tata's" fundraiser. How can you loose when you get a night where A.) You don't have to cook B.) You have GREAT food AND prizes! and C.) It all goes to a great cause!

Well that's all for now. The computer at the local library is telling me that I only have 2 minutes and I loose it all! (Oh these little towns...)

To thinking pink!