Video of Athens Training Walk..FINALLY!!

Tailgate for Tatas Slideshow!

Saturday, April 5

Breast Cancer Greeting Cards for Sale!

Hi there, I'm Jennifer, and I am very excited to be on the Miles & Memories for Melons team. I have never taken on a challenge quite like walking 60 miles, but I am determined to do it! I wanted to do this walk a couple years ago, but the fact that I had to raise $2,200 in order to walk kind of scared me. I have decided to take on that challenge, though, and I'm actually having fun with it.

In addition to asking my friends and family for donations for the walk, I have started making greeting cards (with a TON of help from my mom!). I am unprepared this week and don't have the cards available to post, but I am making "Thank you" cards as well as cards that have "Believe" on the front with a verse about hope on the inside. They are all white cards with a pink background, and both kinds of cards have a pink ribbon in the shape of a heart on the front. I am selling 10 cards for $15, and everything I make from the cards will go towards my fundraising goals. Next week I will post photos of the cards if Mel hasn't posted the samples of them that I gave her.

On another note, we were supposed to have our first training walk this morning, but it had been raining for the past day, and we decided to postpone our first walk for a nicer day. We will have to walk in the rain if that happens during The 3 Day, but some of our team members have been under the weather, and we figured we'd have more motivation to continue training if we didn't get discouraged with rain on our first walk! We hope to start training some evening this coming week, so I'm sure someone will give an update on that once it happens.

Saturdays are my day to blog, so until then stay tuned in everyday to read everyone else's blog. Oh, and tell your friends and family about our site!